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08 April | 2014

Draw a Dinosaur Day!

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Almost 10 years ago a good friend of mine and I, both fascinated with dinosaurs, had a brilliant idea; lets create Draw A Dinosaur Day! The point of the day wasn't to show off your dope skills, but more of a day to allow yourself, if even for a few moments, to be creative. To channel your inner child and just let loose with a doodle of your favorite pre-historic creature

This started out as an idea spread by word of mouth and [the then popular] Live Journal. Over the last 10 years, social media has exploded and a Myspace update, a Facebook Community, a Tumblr account and a few Twitter hashtags later Draw a Dinosaur Day went from a few hundred submissions to thousands of submissions. It doesn't matter if your Dino was expertly drawn on the computer or if it was doodled onto an old pizza box. If you gave your dinosaur extraordinary detail or if it was created out of pancakes. People loved the concept.

Since then, Draw a Dinosaur day has been celebrated every January 30th. Each year the submissions blow the previous years' out of the water. There is something to be said about this. How an idea, thought up in a college dorm in Providence, RI has reached people in Canada, Mexico and Europe simply though social media.

If that isn't proof enough that we are living in a digital age, and we need to be proactive when it comes to advances in technology, then, I don't know what is.

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P: 123 456 789


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